NTAHC Membership

Benefits of NTAHC Membership
- We a club in AHA Region 9, chartered in 1963.
- For information, email the NTAHC President, or visit our Facebook Events Page.
- We host the MayFest Challenge - Region 9 Qualifying Show in Ft Worth each May.
- Our club leadership is active in the Arabian horse industry as well as the Arabian Horse Association at the local, regional, and national levels.
- The best way to join us is online - go to the AHA Membership page and click on the membership level you want (Adult, Youth, etc.). Be sure to choose North Texas AHC as your affiliate club... OR
- Email our Membership Chairperson Cheryl McCally.
- Mailing Address: 1918 Hickey Hill Road, Argyle, TX 76226
- The NTAHC Annual Member Meeting and Officer Elections will be announced at a later date.